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Learning Sign Language

Training for Adult Educators

10/30/24, 11:00 AM

We gathered adult educators from Austria, Cyprus, North Macedonia, Portugal and Slovenia for a training

The focus of the training? Empowering those who make a difference in the lives of children with hearing loss and their families.

Our two-day agenda included workshops on: 1) Coaching and Empowering Caregivers – equipping caregivers with the tools and confidence they need.  2) Encouraging Parent/Child Interaction – fostering stronger bonds and communication. 3) Working with SILENT Resources – exploring the unique materials and methods we’ve developed to support educators and families alike. And one of the most inspiring parts? Visiting a local school dedicated to working with children with hearing loss. Seeing first-hand the incredible work being done with these kids was a powerful reminder of the impact of support and specialized resources.


Financiado pela União Europeia. Os pontos de vista e as opiniões expressas são as do(s) autor(es) e não refletem necessariamente a posição da União Europeia ou da Agência de Execução Europeia da Educação e da Cultura (EACEA). Nem a União Europeia nem a EACEA podem ser tidos como responsáveis por essas opiniões.

Número do projeto: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000087256

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